Mystery Cigar Maker NATURAL
Myster Cigar Maker
Some of the finest cigar makers in the world have overruns that they need to move, or that they are willing to trade for our fine Nicaraguan grown tobacco. They sell them to us at incredibly low prices under the condition that we don't reveal that they made them. That's because if we divulged their name it would affect the sales of their brands to cigars stores. No one would want to pay two or three times as much for the same cigar because it has a pretty cigar ring and is packed in a box. These cigar makers charge a lot for them but we got them cheap and are passing the saving on to you. We'd love to tell you who the cigar makers are but we gave our word. We can tell you that they are all ultra premiums and the exact cigars you'd pay 200 to 300% more for. We are so confident that you will enjoy them that we are backing them up with our full satisfaction money-back guarantee. Quantities are limited so take advantage while we have them in stock.